Art: Memory of glaciers

Terminus by Klara Maisch is included in the art and story map shared by Olympic National Park’s art project to memorialize our disappearing glaciers.

Artists help us remember

We’d like to think the magnificence of Olympic National Park will be here forever and that the grandkids will see what we’ve seen. Sadly, with climate change and the park’s glaciers, this is not the case. “Because dozens of Olympic glaciers have already melted,” says the Terminus project, “and more are likely to do so, we wanted to create a space to grieve that reality, and to hold the message that these glaciers mattered, and still matter.” And so the park has asked artists to memorialize our glaciers. The result is Terminus: A Glacier Memorial Project.

Coming together to care for nature

Says the park: “The Artist-In-Parks program is acknowledging the painful impacts of climate change and exploring our power to come together to care for the natural world. The “Terminus Project” is a shared space where we can mourn and honor what we are losing to climate change and provides an opportunity to transcend “apocalypse fatigue” through art.“ 

Visitors can view the exhibition in person at the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center located at 1203 E. Lauridsen Blvd. Port Angeles, WA during regular gallery hours, Thursdays-Sundays, 11AM to 5PM, from July 7 - September 3 2023.   See the art online and a story map on the Olympic National Park website under the Terminus Project.


Earthrise, by poet Amanda Gorman


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