Urban forest, heritage trees


Mt. Tabor Park, an extinct volcano, is home to 57 species of trees, miles of forested trails and preserved historic reservoirs. Just 15 minutes from downtown, the park is accessible by two bus lines and a walking/cycling greenway —making this a great eco-adventure!

Pick up a Tree Guide  to discover the park’s largest trees or differences between the Giant Sequoia, Dawn Redwoods, Grand Fir and Port Orford Cedars. Pick up a Native plant guide and you might find plants you might want to try in your home garden. 

Let’s protect this place!

Park guides are available thanks to the many volunteers who worked tirelessly to keep this park in shape. The Friends of Mt. Tabor Park identify trees, remove invasive plants, revegetate worn slopes and preserve historic reservoirs. If you see a volunteer in the Visitor’s Center, please thank them.  Give back by signing up to pull weeds and plant —-work parties are scheduled monthly.

Mt. Tabor isn’t the only park in Portland with heritage trees. To find more, check out the city of Portland’s Heritage Tree website, which includes a 76-age guide to some of the city’s oldest and unique trees.

Save trees and plant more!

Save trees!

Trees for Life Oregon wants to make sure Oregon stays green and Portland plants and preserves trees.


Carefree, car-free Columbia River Gorge


Bring back Oregon otters!